Terracina, Latina: 17-year-old placed in the community for the crime of aggravated theft against a shop in the centre.
The State Police of Terracina, in recent days, has implemented the Order of community placement for a 17 year old originally from the city of Fondi (LT), issued by the GIP of the Juvenile Court of Rome at the request of the Public Prosecutor's Office at the Juvenile Court of Rome.
The minor, already known to the police as he has a police record, must answer for the crime of aggravated theft committed in Terracina against a shop in the centre.
The events had happened there last November, when the young man, during the night after spending Saturday evening in Terracina, had shattered the window of a shoe shop and removed the cash register.
The investigations, prepared immediately by the Anti-Crime Squad, were conducted through theanalysis of videos extracted from public and private video surveillance circuits as well as from the results of the forensic police inspection from which significant indications of crime against the minor had emerged.
Following the initial investigations conducted by the staff of the Terracina PS Police Station, directed and coordinated by the Rome Juvenile Prosecutor's Office, the Prosecutor's Office - in consideration of the existing precautionary needs had requested the GIP for a personal precautionary measure.
The GIP of the Juvenile Court of Rome, recognizing the concrete danger that the suspect could commit crimes of the same type, deducible from the particular the gravity of the fact, the modalities of the criminal conduct, as well as the fact that he is a person already convicted for similar facts and already subjected to two precautionary measures, ordered the precautionary measure against him.
After the formalities, the suspect was taken to the community identified by the Juvenile Justice Center where he will remain at the disposal of the prosecuting judicial authority.
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