Taranto and Brindisi: Carabinieri NAS checks in the two Apulian provinces, three businesses closed for a value of over 400.000 euros

The owners of the activities subjected to control were also reported to the competent Health and Administrative Authorities.

Taranto and Brindisi: Carabinieri NAS checks in the two Apulian provinces, three businesses closed for a value of over 400.000 euros.

The Carabinieri of the NAS of Taranto, as part of services aimed at ascertaining the regularity of the hygienic-sanitary and structural conditions of the food preparation environments, as well as the handling and preparation of the same in implementation of the prescribed safety procedures, carried out checks at four production, marketing and administration activities of food products, located in the provinces of Taranto and Brindisi.

During the checks they were subjected to administrative seizure over two quintals of various foodstuffs, including dairy, meat, fish products and gastronomic preparations, without labeling and any indication relating to food traceability, as well as showing the expiry date / Minimum Storage Terms that have expired on the label.

In one case, the immediate suspension of the administration activity was ordered, with a provision confirmed by the ASL Tarantina, as it is carried out in a place without health registration and affected by serious hygienic-sanitary and structural deficiencies.

In two dairies the military ascertained the illegal activation in the absence of water supply and the lack of health registration, essential requirements established by current community legislation, for which the Brindisina Local Health Authority has ordered its immediate closure.

For the violations related to the irregularities detected, administrative sanctions of 3.000 Euros were contested, while the overall value of the seized products and foods is estimated at approximately 8.000 Euros.

The owners of the activities subjected to control were also reported to the competent Health and Administrative Authorities.

Taranto e Brindisi: controlli dei Carabinieri NAS nelle due province pugliesi, tre attività chiuse per un valore di oltre 400.000 Euro.

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