Sandra Milo has died at the age of 90. The family members make the sad announcement

The actress and presenter who made millions of Italians dream for her skill and beauty leaves us, Sandra Milo dies at the age of 90 in her home in Rome surrounded by the affection of her family.

Sandra Milo has died at the age of 90. Her family makes the sad announcement.

Born Salvatrice Elena Greco on March 11, 33 in Tunis, Sandra Milo was an icon in everything in which she was the protagonist. Sandra leaves us surrounded by the affection of her family, who has always been by her side.

Her vision was undoubtedly anything but easy, an intense life, sparkling exactly like her protagonist.

Her first love story, at 15, led her to marry the Marquis Cesare Rodighiero, a marriage which however will last only 21 days following the loss of her son at birth. A second marriage with Moris Ergas. “I have taken many of those beatings in my life” declared the actress in an interview with Sunday In talking about the producer Moris Ergas, from whom his first daughter was born, Debora.

Then the third marriage with Ottavio De Lollis with whom he had his children Ciro and Azzurra, and finally the fourth marriage with the Cuban Jorge Ordonez. In the last period she had started a relationship withentrepreneur Alessandro Rotaro, 38 years her junior.

A life that, if told in a few lines, seems more like an adventure than a life, a difficult story from which Sandra learned and taught a lot.

We remember her for the roles she played in the film The Bachelor, his film debut, in 1955, or in the film General Della Rovere, in which she played a prostitute.

But the turning point came following the meeting with Fellini, in fact the director, with whom he also had a clandestine relationship, gave important roles to his "Sandrocchia", as he used to call her, in his masterpiece films 8'' e Juliet of the spirits. For both interpretations she won the Silver Ribbon for Best Supporting Actress.

The important films in which Milo has acted are many, for example in Summer frenzy (1963), directed by Luigi Zampa or in The visit, in the same year, where his most complex and successful characterization took place. After a long break, in 1979 he returned to the cinema acting in some genre comedies, such as Come on again… Marsch! by Luciano Salce and Tesoromio by Giulio Paradisi, which followed Grog (1982) by Francesco Laudadio e Cinderella '80, two years later, by Roberto Malenotti.

Thanks to her closeness with Craxi, she also began her career as a television presenter on Rai Due in the program Little Fans from 1985 to 1989, afternoon program for children. In 1990, however, he leads Love is a wonderful thing who also remembers her for the unpleasant telephone prank of which she was the victim.
And again, on Rete 4, in the 1992-1993 season, he presented the Sunday variety show Festive day.

During the 2000s, already in her seventies, Sandra Milo continued her career acting, in 2002, alongside Giampiero Ingrassia and Anna Mazzamauro in the Canale 5 drama entitled But is the doorman never there?.

She was also among the contestants on the reality show The island of the famous 7, broadcast since February 24, 2010, reaching the semifinals. Finally, the latest of her works sees her among the protagonists of the Prime Video comedy series, Gigolò by chance, released on the streaming platform on December 21, 2023.

Thanks to an enviable career as an actress, television presenter and theater actress, in 2021 she was awarded a David di Donatello for Lifetime Achievement, and today January 29, 2024 leaves an unfillable void in the history of cinema and television, as well as in the hearts of many.

Sandra Milo è morta all’età di 90 anni. Ne danno il triste annuncio i familiari.

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