San Salvatore Monferrato: loses his pension, the Carabinieri track down the owner and return 1000 euros to him
A story with a happy ending thanks to the fairness and human value of a lady who, after finding the money, did not hesitate to contact the Carabinieri.
San Salvatore Monferrato: he loses his pension, the Carabinieri track down the owner and return 1000 euros to him.
Last week, a 74-year-old from San Salvatore Monferrato, after leaving the Mirabello post office, found 1.050 euros in fifty euro notes and decided to take them immediately to the Carabinieri station in Occimiano, which took action to trace the legitimate owner.
The investigations made it possible to identify a 59-year-old from San Salvatore who had been to the Mirabello post office shortly before, where he had lost his pension, and who had already turned to the Carabinieri of San Salvatore to report the incident. The Carabinieri of Occimiano thus returned the entire amount of the lost pension to the pensioner.
A story with a happy ending, thanks to the fairness and human value of the lady who, after finding the money, did not hesitate to contact the Carabinieri to have it returned to the unfortunate owner.
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