Rome: 14.000 euros in cash and over 35 kg of drugs seized, including hashish, cocaine and marijuana, 3 people arrested

The 3 subjects are seriously suspected of the crime of possession for the purpose of dealing drugs.

Rome: 14.000 euros in cash and over 35 kg of drugs seized, including hashish, cocaine and marijuana, 3 people arrested

The daily action of the State Police against the dealing of narcotic substances continues unabated in the last few days it has led to 3 arrests.

The agents of the Appio Nuovo police station, during a service to combat drug dealing, went to a man's house in via Claudio Asello in Ciampino to carry out a check and, as soon as they called the intercom, they noticed a man looking out. to the balcony and throw a large envelope which was immediately recovered by the police. Inside the envelope, the operators found 11 blocks of hashish weighing approximately 385 grams in total, a glass jar containing approximately 120 grams of hashish resin, 3370 euros in cash and a bunch of keys.

The operators, following extensive investigations, ascertained that the man, a 25-year-old Roman, was using another house in the peripheral area of ​​Ciampino, in via Doganale, to which the bunch of keys found shortly before could be traced back. At that point, once they arrived on site, the police carried out a house search in the building, where they found the presence of another man, identified as a 49-year-old Roman, and found 421 blocks of hashish and 5 bags containing the same substance, for a total weight of approximately 23 kg, 9 bags containing marijuana weighing approximately 7 kg, 16 wrappers with approximately 3,5 kg of hashish resin, a jar with inside over 1 kg of cannabis, a wrapper containing over 6 and a half grams of cocaine, two precision scales, various drug packaging materials and 9630 euros divided into banknotes of various denominations.

At the end of the ritual activities, the 25-year-old and the 49-year-old were arrested as they were seriously suspected of the crime of possession for the purpose of dealing drugs.

Last week, following intense investigative activity, the investigators of the Appio Nuovo police station arrested a 42-year-old Roman man as he was seriously suspected of the crime of possession for the purpose of dealing narcotic substances. The officers carried out a check at the man's home, in via Fossacesia, where they found, hidden in a compartment in the upper part of the armored door, approximately 80 grams of cocaine, while in a pouch hidden inside a vase, different material for drug packaging and 1020 euros.

The Prosecutor's Office requested and obtained, from the Judge for Preliminary Investigations, validation of the pre-cautionary measure adopted by the State Police in all circumstances.

Roma: sequestrati 14.000 euro in contanti e oltre 35 kg di droga, tra hashish, cocaina e marijuana, 3 persone arrestate


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