Red Brigades member Leonardo Bertoluzzi, fugitive in Argentina, arrested
Prime Minister Giorgia Meloni expressed her deep appreciation to the Argentine authorities for having carried out the arrest of Leonardo Bertulazzi, already sentenced in Italy to 27 years in prison for terrorism crimes.
Red Brigades member Leonardo Bertoluzzi, a fugitive in Argentina, arrested.
Fugitive Red Brigades member Leonardo Bertoluzzi was arrested today in Argentina for extradition purposes, following the revocation by the competent Argentine authorities of the refugee status he had obtained from that State in 2004 and the reiteration of the extradition request.
Already arrested in 2002 by the State Police in Buenos Aires, following a complex investigation conducted by the men of the Central Directorate of Prevention Police, together with the policemen of the Digos of Genoa and Interpol, he was then released a few months later.
Bertoluzzi, member of the Genoese column of the Red Brigades, must serve a total sentence of 27 years of imprisonment for kidnapping, subversive association, gang
army and more.
A fugitive since 1980, he was guilty, among other crimes, of participating in the kidnapping of naval engineer Piero Costa, which took place in Genoa on 12.01.1977.
The kidnapping was aimed at acquiring financial means to finance terrorist activity; 50 million lire were used to purchase the apartment at via Montalcini 8
in Rome, where Aldo Moro was held prisoner for the period of his kidnapping.
The Argentine Police carried out the restrictive measure in the presence of Italian Intelligence and managers and investigators of the Italian police serving at the Central Directorate of Prevention Police, the Genoa Digos and the Service for International Police Cooperation, who have been present in Buenos Aires for several weeks.
The President of the Council, Giorgia Meloni, expresses deep appreciation to the Argentine authorities for having carried out the arrest of Leonardo Bertulazzi, already sentenced in Italy to 27 years in prison for terrorism-related crimes, following the revocation of his refugee status by the Argentine Refugee Commission.
The arrest of the fugitive member of the Red Brigades was made possible by intense and fruitful collaboration between the Italian and Argentine judicial authorities and Interpol.
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