Puglia, Basilicata and Molise, over 4.600 people checked, 7 under investigation. Missing people have been traced in Foggia, Bari and Taranto. These are the results of the State Police checks last week in the stations of Puglia, Basilicata and Molise
Puglia, Basilicata and Molise, in the last week, during checks in the railway sector, the agents of the Puglia, Basilicata and Molise Railway Police Department identified 4.604 people, of which 7 were investigated for various crimes. 3 missing people were traced in Taranto, Bari and Foggia, while in Metaponto, a suitable home was found for a homeless mother.
In particular, in recent days, in the Foggia station, a 35-year-old man with mental problems was found and entrusted to his family; in that of Taranto, however, a girl was found who had left her family due to disagreements. While in Bari, in the Appulo Lucane Railways station, the agents noticed a woman with mental problems entrusted to a reception community.
Last Saturday, the officers of the Metaponto Railway Police Station were working for a 2-year-old Somali woman, with a XNUMX-year-old pregnant child, an asylum seeker, who had no home. The assistance network, also implemented through the Police Headquarters and Prefecture of Matera, made it possible to quickly identify suitable accommodation for the young mother.
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