International operation “Pandora VIII” to combat illicit trafficking of cultural goods

The Carabinieri Command for the Protection of Cultural Heritage participated, representing Italy, in the eighth edition of the "Pandora VIII" operation. An operation carried out simultaneously in 25 European countries, with the support of Interpol and Europol. To protect cultural heritage by carrying out targeted control and prevention activities. In Italy they carried out 269 checks on areas of archaeological, monumental and underwater interest, seized 2536 cultural assets for a total value of €308.700,00 and reported 16 people in a state of freedom.

International operation “Pandora VIII” to combat illicit trafficking of cultural goods.

The Carabinieri Command for the Protection of Cultural Heritage (TPC) participated representing Italy, by virtue of its peculiar specialty, at the eighth edition of the international operation Pandora.

The operation falls under EMPACT's Organized Property Crime priority (European Multidisciplinary Platform Against Criminal Threats), the European multidisciplinary platform established by the Council of the European Union a fight against the main forms of international crime affecting the Union, and is aimed at preventing the trade of cultural goods of illicit origin.

The first operational phase focused on digital patrolling of e-commerce platforms, the body of Netherlands police (Politie) has organized in the Dutch capital, with support of Interpol and Europol, a cyber patrol in which representatives of 16 European countries participatedie numerous experts in the sector.

In the course of 'monitoring activities, the support offered by the company was fundamental “Database of illicitly stolen cultural assets” managed by the Carabinieri TPC. The activities made it possible to carry out an extensive control of the web (antiquarian and auction house websites, specialist and general e-commerce web pages, social media platforms) aimed at identifying cultural assets of suspected provenance, to be made a matter of further investigation during the operational phase of the operation.

During the subsequent operational phase, turning simultaneously in 25 European countries, with the support of Interpol and Europol it has been given the maximum boost to the protection of cultural heritage by carrying out targeted control and prevention activities.

The TPC Carabinieri Command, with the support of the territorial commands of the Carabinieri, has:

  1. carried out 269 checks to areas of archaeological, monumental and underwater interest;
  2. verified 91 antiquarian businesses, auction houses, art galleries, restorers and transporters,
  3. reported 16 people in a state of freedom.
  4. seized 2536 cultural assets for a total value of €308.700,00, including:

Carbonia (South Sardinia):

n. 5 silver coins from the Roman Republican era, dating back to the 87st century. BC, n. 2111 ceramic fragments constituting amphorae, antefixes and cups from various periods and n. XNUMX lithic artefacts constituting club heads, arrowheads and spears, from the Neolithic and Nuragic periods placed on sale on e-commerce sitesOperazione internazionale "Pandora VIII" per contrastare il traffico illecito di beni culturali


Mugnano of Naples (Naples) and Marina di Pietrasanta (Lucca):

A multi-material work falsely attributed to the artist Alberto Burri, counterfeit certification certificates and material suitable for counterfeiting;

Operazione internazionale "Pandora VIII" per contrastare il traffico illecito di beni culturali


20 terracotta artefacts relating to Italic contexts;Operazione internazionale "Pandora VIII" per contrastare il traffico illecito di beni culturali


Biconical cinerary urn with lid e geometric decorations of the Villanovan period (IX – VIII century BC)Operazione internazionale "Pandora VIII" per contrastare il traffico illecito di beni culturali



15 archaeological and book items, including a polychrome terracotta statuette (X – VIII century BC), a two-handled terracotta cup from the Hellenistic period, coming from southern Italy, Roman era terracotta weights and fragments and a volume printed in 1826, all found during an antiques and used antiques market;Operazione internazionale "Pandora VIII" per contrastare il traffico illecito di beni culturali

Operazione internazionale "Pandora VIII" per contrastare il traffico illecito di beni culturali

Aci Castello (Catania):

2 two-handed achromatic transport amphorae found in a private home;Operazione internazionale "Pandora VIII" per contrastare il traffico illecito di beni culturali


Pollutri (Chieti):

29 archaeological assets of various kinds, including drums of fluted columns, probably attributable to a temple structure constituting an integral part of a building used for residential purposes;Operazione internazionale "Pandora VIII" per contrastare il traffico illecito di beni culturali

Operazione internazionale "Pandora VIII" per contrastare il traffico illecito di beni culturali

Avella (Avellino):

9 archaeological finds of various nature and era;Operazione internazionale "Pandora VIII" per contrastare il traffico illecito di beni culturali

Operazione internazionale "Pandora VIII" per contrastare il traffico illecito di beni culturali

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