Palermo: young man stabbed in a club in the center, 20-year-old arrested for attempted murder

A rapid escalation of violence that led the 20-year-old to take out a knife and stab his opponent at least 9 times.

Palermo: young man stabbed in a club in the center, 20-year-old arrested for attempted murder

The Carabinieri of the Operational Nucleus of the Palermo Piazza Verdi Company have carried out a precautionary custody order in prison, issued by the Preliminary Investigations Judge of the Court of Palermo, at the request of the Public Prosecutor's Office, against a 20 year old from Palermo, accused of attempted murder.

The facts date back to last year September 21th, Saturday night, in a club right in the center. A fight between guys that ended with a look too much, then a punch and the reaction: a rapid escalation of violence that led the 20-year-old to pull out a knife and stab his opponent (also from Palermo and of only 21 years) with at least 9 slashes.

The victim, transported by a friend to the Villa Sofia Hospital, had been admitted with a reserved prognosis.

The investigation, which developed immediately after the events, allowed the Carabinieri to identify the location of the stabbing, which was seized pending further technical investigations, and to outline the seriousness of the evidence that led to the issuing of the precautionary measure against the 20-year-old, who was transferred to the “Lorusso Pagliarelli” prison in Palermo.

Palermo: giovane accoltellato in un locale del Centro, in manette un 20enne per tentato omicidio

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