Oppido Lucano, mistreats his ex-girlfriend and threatens her with death: 21-year-old arrested

The Carabinieri arrived on site and surprised the young man in the hostile and threatening attitude that the victim had described on the phone.

Oppido Lucano (Potenza), mistreats ex-girlfriend and threatens to kill her: 21-year-old arrested. 

Jealousy, anger and an unhealthy sense of possession. A love story that has reached its epilogue, a coexistence that ends. The paths of a very young couple from Oppido Lucano had already separated for a while but he just couldn't give up.

On the night of Thursday 02nd, outside a club in the centre, a 21-year-old already known to the police threatened his ex with death. Furthermore, the threats would also have been extended to his parents for having, according to the young man, hindered their relationship. Not content, in front of the eyes of customers and passers-by, he began to mistreat the young girl until she managed to call 112.

It was the woman who responded to the cry for help the Operations Center of the Carabinieri Company of Acerenza is immediately ordered the intervention of the soldiers of the local station supported by the Radiomobile crew on duty.

In a few minutes, the Carabinieri arrived on the scene, surprising the young man in the hostile and threatening attitude that the victim had described on the phone and from which he showed no signs of giving up, regardless of the presence of the soldiers who tried in vain to bring him back to reason.

The woman then reported the threats and mistreatment she had suffered to the Carabinieri, confirmed by a witness who was in her company.

At the end of the investigations, in application of the Code Red protocol, the man was arrested for mistreatment and transferred, after the ritual formalities, to the Potenza District Prison.

At the end of the hearing, the GIP of the local Court ordered the measure of house arrest against the 21-year-old for whom, it should be remembered, the presumption of innocence applies until a final sentence of conviction.

Another sad story hidden for a long time within the domestic walls and then resulted, as too often happens, in threats and violence. A story with a happy ending thanks to the providential use of the Single Emergency Number 112 to be contacted, as recommended by the Carabinieri of the Provincial Command of Potenza, promptly without any hesitation and from the first signs of danger or fear.

Oppido Lucano, maltratta l'ex fidanzata e la minaccia di morte: arrestato 21enne. 

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