Naples, minors with a switchblade in their pockets. This too on Saturday night of Carabinieri checks
Night of Controls in the Neighborhoods of Naples by the Carabinieri
Naples, minors with a switchblade in their pockets. This too on Saturday night of Carabinieri checks
2 knives, 2 kids holding them. This is the chiaroscuro picture of the evening of checks by the Carabinieri in the city. The efforts were concentrated in the neighborhoods of Chiaia, San Carlo Arena, Sanità and Stella.
Dozens of flashing lights illuminate the Saturday nightlife in the most crowded squares of the capital.
We started right from the north-western area of Naples. In the Sanità district, 4 kids escaped a checkpoint on two scooters. Stopped after a brief chase, a 14-year-old and a 17-year-old were hiding a switchblade in their pockets.

A prisoner under house arrest was caught on the street and reported for escaping. Yet another report for a 26-year-old who refused to provide his data during a check and insulted the military.
In the Chiaia neighborhood, the Carabinieri concentrated their action on the premises and on compliance with the highway code. 4 entrepreneurs fined for health violations.
Also reported were 5 illegal parking attendants and 1 young man found driving with a blood alcohol level above the legal limit.
57 traffic violations, many of which for not wearing a helmet. 8 vehicles seized. 2 people reported for driving without a license.
There was no shortage of drugs. As many as 13 people were found with quantities of drugs intended for personal use.
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