Naples, “TRUCK & BUS” campaign; checks on heavy vehicles for the transport of dangerous goods are increasing
Naples, the campaign will take place from 10 to 16 May, planned by the European Road Police Network "ROADPOL"
Naples, the European Road Police Network "ROADPOL" has scheduled the implementation of the joint European campaign called "TRUCK & BUS" (heavy vehicles and buses) in the period from 10 to 16 May 2021.
ROADPOL is a cooperation network between road police forces, created under the aegis of the European Union, to which all member countries participate, except Greece and Slovakia, as well as Switzerland, Serbia, Turkey and as an observer. the Dubai Police (United Arab Emirates).
Italy is represented by the Traffic Police Service of the Ministry of the Interior.
The Organization develops operational cooperation between European Traffic Police, with the aim of reducing the number of road victims and road accidents, in compliance with the European Action Plan 2021-2030. This activity is developed through joint international operations to combat violations and "thematic" campaigns throughout the continent, within specific strategic areas.
The ultimate objective is to raise road safety standards, harmonizing prevention, information and control activities, also through communication campaigns and joint operations whose results are then monitored by the ROADPOL Operational Group.
The aim of the "TRUCK & BUS" campaign is to intensify the checks, carried out by the Traffic Police throughout Europe, of heavy vehicles used for the transport of goods, buses and vehicles intended for the transport of dangerous goods, both national and foreign registration. During the days of checks, the Polstrada agents will proceed to verify the psychophysical state of the drivers, compliance with speed limits, compliance with the ADR regulations on the transport of dangerous goods and all other road transport requirements established by national and community legislation .
This combined action at European level has the aim of developing consciousness and awareness on the part of all drivers and road users that at the same time all the traffic police forces of the European Union are operating with the same methods, homogeneous tools and a common goal.
To this end, the Traffic Police Department for Campania and Basilicata has arranged for targeted checks to be carried out throughout the entire territory under its jurisdiction, in particular on the motorway and major national communications arteries and for the entire period in question and in the twenty-four hours. checks on heavy vehicles used for the transport of goods and buses.
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