Livorno: They counterfeited money and possessed drugs, two boys aged 20 and 24 reported

two boys aged 20 and 24 reported for possession of narcotic substances, spending and introduction into the State of counterfeit money and refusal to undergo tests on the use of narcotic substances

Livorno: They counterfeited money and possessed drugs, two boys aged 20 and 24 reported

The Carabinieri of the Rosignano Marittimo Station, within the framework of the'intensification of services arranged by the Provincial Command of the Carabinieri of Livorno, in line with the strategic directives of the Prefect shared within the Committee, They reported at large two young men aged 20 and 24 from the area for possession of narcotic substances, spending and introducing into the State, without agreement, counterfeit money and refusal to undergo tests on the use of narcotic substances.

The carabinieri they noticed the two young men wandering around suspiciously on board a car in that industrial area and, given the circumstances of time and place, they subjected them to control. Due to the driver's state of psychomotor agitation, presumably attributable to the intake of narcotic substances and/or alcohol, they invited him to carry out the required tests, meeting with his opposition.

Considering the conditions it presented, The military also subjected the two young men to a personal and vehicle search during which they found and seized from the 20-year-old about 23 grams of narcotic substance of the type hashish. The subsequent house search allowed the discovery a gram of the same substance inside a glass jar placed on the desk in the suspect's bedroom, as well as 2 50 euro banknotes, visibly counterfeit, for whose origin he was unable to provide a valid justification; they were seized for further investigation into the counterfeit currency.

Once the relevant formalities have been completed at the station offices, the 20-year-old was reported at liberty for possession of narcotic substances, spending and introducing into the State, without agreement, counterfeit money, while the 24-year-old was reported for refusing to undergo tests on the use of narcotic substances with consequent withdrawal of his driving license.

Livorno: Falsificavano denaro e detenevano stupefacenti, denunciati due ragazzi di 20 e 24 anni

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