Livorno: the two alleged perpetrators of at least 8 thefts that occurred in recent months have been arrested

The culprits are a 38-year-old foreigner and a 51-year-old woman from Livorno.

Livorno: the two alleged perpetrators of at least 8 thefts that occurred in recent months have been arrested

On the orders of the Public Prosecutor's Office of Livorno, the Carabinieri of the Livorno Company, at the end of a detailed and complex investigative activity, executed a custody order precautionary sentence in prison against two people: a 38 year old foreigner, already restricted for another reason, and a 51 year old woman from Livorno, held responsible for having committed 8 thefts from last February to today.

The meticulous investigations, started by the Carabinieri towards the middle of last February, have made it possible to reconstruct in detail the multiple predatory dynamics carried out by the suspects, managing to gather serious indications of guilt against them which - after the scrutiny of the Judicial Authority in full agreement with the reported results of the investigations - led to the issuance of precautionary custody orders in prison for both .

In particular, the investigative reconstruction of the facts it began just last February 17th, when the two suspects were noticed in a suspicious attitude by a caretaker of a sports facility who, seeing them sneaking around inside the structure, followed them and managed to immortalize them while they were intent on breaking the window of a fiat panda parked outside the establishment to take possession of a bag inside. Having seen the scene, the employee promptly alerted the victim who went to the police station the following day to file the complaint.

Livorno: arrestati i due presunti autori di almeno 8 furti avvenuti negli ultimi mesi

On March 18 the same two were seen near the "Villa Corridi" primary school intently this time to break the window of a BMW parked there and remove a school bag. On that occasion the two were photographed by a passer-by who spontaneously handed the images over to the police. The immediate and in-depth investigations by the police made it possible to ascertain that the two, after committing the theft, had moved away aboard a moped stolen two days earlier and always by the same pair of criminals.

The following day, March 19, another theft committed by the couple was discovered both were noticed by one of the victims as they fled after breaking the glass of his car and taking a bag; on that occasion too, the alarm was raised by the victim who put the two criminals to flight by abandoning the stolen goods.

Another serious predatory action by the couple discovered by the police, which took place on 27 March, when the couple of alleged thieves were filmed by the surveillance cameras of the "Galileo Galilei" school in Livorno while, after having entered inside, they were intent on stealing ten laptop notebook PCs supplied to the school.

Livorno: arrestati i due presunti autori di almeno 8 furti avvenuti negli ultimi mesi

The following April 4, the two were noticed by a policeman off duty, while they were walking away from a car. Having approached the car, the soldier realized that the two had forced the rear window and immediately worked to contact the owner who arrived on site and confirmed the theft of some bags and clothing. Also on the same day, the two entered the parking lot of a local company where they had an electric scooter stolen.

On the morning of April 11th, the couple entered the changing rooms of a commercial establishment where, by breaking open some lockers, they managed to take possession of some bags owned by two women. At the time, one of the two offended parties, in the complaint, reported in addition to the alleged theft of the bag, also that they had suffered theft of money through the illicit use of their ATM card contained in the bag with which the perpetrators made some purchases. in various commercial establishments. From the investigations of the Carabinieri it was then ascertained that these purchases were also the work of today's suspects, facilitated by the fact that the banking circuit usually does not require the use of the pin to make purchases of modest amounts.

From the detailed investigation activities conducted by the Livorno Carabinieri, it was also ascertained that the foreigner under investigation, even alone he would have committed crimes against property and in particular:
– on 16 March he was recognized, again through the analysis of video surveillance recordings, as the author of the theft of a moped stored inside a garage;
– 19 March was referred for improper use of payment instruments since he used a prepaid card not in his name to make purchases.

The woman, however, after the arrest of the prefect (co-investigated in the various thefts) for mistreatment against her, on 6 April entered alone into a sports facility where she took the keys to a car stored inside a changing room.

In the executive phase, at the end of the investigations, in particular at the time of the arrest, the woman was surprised by the police in possession of narcotic substances or 1 grams of crack and marijuana, as well as a knife and a glass-breaking hammer (usually supplied with safety equipment on buses) for which she was reported for the crimes of illegal possession of weapons or objects capable of offending pursuant to art. 4 Law 110/1975 and unjustified possession of altered keys or lock picks pursuant to art. 707 of the criminal code as well as being reported to the competent Prefecture for personal consumption of drugs. Everything was then seized and made available to the legal authority.

Today's activity comes just a few days after a similar operation, conducted by the carabinieri of the Livorno Centro station, concluded with thearrest of the alleged perpetrator of 8 other aggravated thefts and receiving stolen goods, consumed in Livorno between 7 September 2023 and 28 February 24, and responsible for continued tax evasion committed in the same urban center on 26 and 2023 February XNUMX.

The operation is part of the list of initiatives aimed at preventing and combating every form of predatory crime implemented by the Provincial Command of the Carabinieri in the urban center of Livorno, as shared at the recent Committee for Public Order and Security held at the Prefecture of Livorno.


Livorno: arrestati i due presunti autori di almeno 8 furti avvenuti negli ultimi mesi



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