Lissone, 17 year old beaten and pushed onto the tracks to rob him: 4 minors arrested
The perpetrators are boys aged between 15 and 16, they are held responsible for the robbery against a 17 year old, they took the phone and the scooter from the victim, then he was pushed onto the tracks risking being hit by a train. The 4 young people are also held responsible for other similar episodes.
Lissone (Monza), 17-year-old beaten and pushed onto tracks to rob him: 4 minors arrested
Between 10 and 15 July 2024, the Carabinieri of the Lissone station have executed an Application Order for personal precautionary measures issued by the Juvenile Court of Milano dependent on 4 subjects aged between 15 and 16, residents respectively in the municipalities of Lissone and Triuggio, all held responsible for the crimes of robbery and personal injury in competition.
The measure was issued on the basis of serious indications of guilt collected by the aforementioned Station as part of investigations directed by the Public Prosecutor's Office at the Juvenile Court of Milano, which required the application of the precautionary measure.
The investigation originated from an episode that occurred late in the evening of March 17th, when, at the Lissone railway station, a local 17-year-old was surrounded by four young people, two of them they asked him to borrow his mobile phone and then took it over, while the accomplices, taking advantage of the boy's distraction, at the same time they also took away his scooter. For the only the fact of having attempted to oppose and obtain the return of one's assets, young man was attacked with kicks and punches and pushed onto the tracks, where he continued to be hit, concretely risking being hit by a passing train.
The attackers, taking possession of the stolen goods, they disappeared immediately: three boarding the convoy, the fourth on foot. The victim was helped by 118 personnel for his injuries, was transported in code green at the emergency room from Desio Hospital and subsequently discharged with a prognosis of 14 days. To the identification of today's arrestees, the Carabinieri were received following the acquisition of recordings from video surveillance systems on place of the event and the consequent study of the frequentations and the movements of the suspects.
As the investigations continued, the military also acquired, at the expense of those arrested today, elements that would connect them, in addition to the fact for which today's provision was issued, to two further subsequent episodes of a similar nature to the detriment of as many peers which, similarly to what happened on March 17, on May 4 and 11 respectively, they were surrounded and robbed of their cell phones while they were in the city streets.
The arrested, all of Italian nationality and two of whom were already known to the police for previous events, were conducted in several therapeutic communities in the region, available to the judicial authority that issued the provision. It should be noted that the suspects are to be considered innocent until a final conviction is reached.
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