Fondi, Latina: threats and harassment against neighbors, a ban on approaching a 51-year-old is triggered

The measure was deemed necessary to protect the psychophysical safety of the victims, pressured by an intimidating and hostile climate that showed no signs of abating.

Fondi, Latina: threats and harassment against neighbors, a ban on approaching a 51-year-old is triggered. 

The Fondi State Police carried out the personal precautionary measure of ban on approaching a man from Fondi, born in '73.

The victims, neighbors who have moved a few years ago to a residence adjacent to those of the person receiving the restrictive measure, for some time they had been the object of threats, persecution and harassment by him.

In fact, to access their home they are forced to travel a short and single stretch of road, exercising a right of servitude that has always been contested by man, who had claimed ownership by acting initially with an attitude of intolerance and later with threats and attempts to beat the unfortunate people.

The hostile conduct manifested itself on several occasions, even going so far as to contest the presence of guests he did not like, reaching the victims at work, waiting for them at the entrance to the house, chasing them, threatening them with a stick, terrorizing the couple's minor children.

On one occasion it hit the victim's car with an axe, after brandishing it towards him.

In evaluating the facts reconstructed by the investigators, on the basis of the complaints and reports of the Flying Squad that intervened over time, the Public Prosecutor's Office of Latina considered that the conditions for the adoption of the restrictive measure were met, measure deemed necessary to protect the psychophysical safety of the victims, pressured by an intimidating and hostile climate that showed no signs of abating.

With the start of the measure the subject will no longer be able to approach all family members, their homes, places of work and those they usually frequent, with the prohibition to communicate by any means, personal, epistolary, telephone or electronic.

Fondi, Latina:  minacce e vessazioni ai danni dei vicini di casa, scatta il divieto di avvicinamento nei confronti di un 51enne. 

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