Fondi, Latina: new extraordinary territorial control service. Checked 95 people and 64 vehicles.
The State Police - Latina Police Headquarters carried out yesterday morning once again an extraordinary service of control of the territory in Fondi, as part of an intensification of supervision and control activities aimed at combating illicit phenomena, such as i crimes against property and illegal immigration.
The policemen of the Fondi PS Commissariat in collaboration with crews from the Lazio Crime Prevention Department have checked 95 people, 6 foreign citizens – of which one is subject to a ban on return to that municipality – and 64 vehicles, also through the creation of n. 4 control devices.
Particular attention was paid to places of greatest aggregation of people and to suspicious individuals, with lidentification of 29 individuals burdened by police bias.
This operation aims to carry out a more targeted and in-depth control of the territory in the entire province.
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