Fondi, Latina. Already subjected to a ban on approaching with an electronic bracelet, he violates the regulations. A precautionary measure has been placed in prison for a 51-year-old

On one occasion he followed the victims in the car and then spun, positioning himself in such a way as to force them not to continue driving.

Fondi, Latina. Already subjected to a ban on approaching with an electronic bracelet, he violates the regulations. A precautionary measure has been placed in prison for a 51-year-old.

The Fondi State Police, in recent days, proceeded to subject a man, born in 1973 and originally from Fondi, to the precautionary measure of custody in prison, executing the Order issued by the GIP of the Court of Latina, upon request formulated by the local Public Prosecutor's Office.

The restrictive measure replaced the personal one of the ban on approaching the offended persons which had been applied to him two weeks ago to protect the victims, i.e. the neighbors of the arrested person, who have long been victims of persecutory acts and a series of serious intimidating actions.

After this first measure, the subject was also exhorted, during the interrogation, by the Judge himself to comply with the precautionary measure that had been imposed on him, according to the provisions expressed in the Order. However, despite the ban on approaching all family members, their homes, places of work and those they usually frequent, also insured with the application of the electronic bracelet, the subject violated the various provisions on several occasions.

On one occasion he followed the victims in the car and then spun, positioning himself in such a way as to force them not to continue driving., continuing with reckless evolutions in front of the younger children of the unfortunate ones.

Proving an obvious thing dangerous inability to self-control and an absolute disregard for the decisions of the Judicial Authority, to the point of making the first restrictive measure futile, the measure of custody in prison was therefore applied to him.

The investigators of the Judicial Police Team of the PS Commissariat of Fondi carried it out and, following notification of the order, took him to the Latina prison.

Fondi, Latina. Già sottoposto al divieto di avvicinamento con braccialetto elettronico, viola le prescrizioni. Disposta la misura cautelare in carcere per un 51enne.

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