Latin. 13 precautionary custody cases were carried out for association aimed at drug trafficking between Fondi and Caltagirone

Drug trafficking is aggravated by the use of weapons, extortion, self-laundering and fraudulent transfer of assets.

Latin. 13 precautionary custody cases were carried out for association aimed at drug trafficking between Fondi and Caltagirone.

In the early hours of today's morning, the Carabinieri of the Provincial Command of Latina and Catania, assisted in the executive phase by the Carabinieri Aircraft Group of Pratica di Mare, the Dog Unit of Ponte Galeria, the Technical Department of the ROS and the Carabinieri competent for the territory, were executing an order of pre-trial detention issued by the GIP of the Court of Rome, at the request of the District Anti-Mafia Prosecutor's Office of Rome, against 13 people subjected to investigations for association aimed at drug trafficking aggravated by the use of weapons, extortion, self-laundering and fraudulent transfer of assets.

The operation, which is underway in the cities of Fondi (LT) and Caltagirone (CT), is involving around 80 soldiers from the force.

Latina. Eseguite 13 custodie cautelari per associazione finalizzata al traffico di sostanze stupefacenti tra Fondi e Caltagirone.

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