L'Aquila: State Police dismantles an association aimed at illicit drug trafficking

The criminal organization was able to manage and market cocaine with a client portfolio of approximately 650 people and with a turnover estimated at around 1 million 966 thousand euros.

L'Aquila: State Police dismantles an association aimed at illicit drug trafficking

The State Police, in the early hours of yesterday morning, executed the order with which the GIP of the Court of L'Aquila, following a complex investigation headed by the Public Prosecutor's Office of L'Aquila directed by Chief Prosecutor Dr. Alberto Sgambati and coordinated by Deputy Prosecutor Dr. Roberta D'Avolio of the District Anti-Mafia Directorate, has applied 30 precautionary measures for the crimes of association aimed at drug trafficking and for the crimes of possession and sale of narcotic substances and in particular:

  • 26 precautionary measures in jail
  • 3 measures to the arrest;
  • 1 measure of the obligation to remain at home

The investigation activity carried out in the time frame November 2022 - June 2024, from the Anti-Drug Section of the Flying Squad of L'Aquila directed by VQ Roberta Cicchetti and by the Investigative Section of the Central Operations Service of L'Aquila directed by Chief Commissioner Manuel Napolitano and with the support of the SCO of Rome and corroborated by telephone and environmental interception activities, it has allowed us to ascertain how L'Aquila was the logistical and operational base of a criminal association aimed at retail dealing in narcotic substances such as cocaine composed by 28 Guests which have a commonality of places of origin ( Albania, Italy and Macedonia) and some parental ties between them.

At the same time, a search delegated by the Judicial Authority against 12 more suspects for the crimes of possession and/or sale of narcotic substances such as cocaine with the role of pusher of the criminal group.

The investigative activities, following which they were, therefore, A total of 42 people were investigated, have allowed us to ascertain how this criminal organisation operating mainly in Abruzzo and also in Lazio, was able to manage and market significant quantities of cocaine with a client portfolio of approximately 650 Guests and with a considerable business movement estimated at around 1 million and 966 thousand euros.

The extensive reconstruction, research and investigation activity allowed the investigators to document how the criminal association was characterised:

  • from a clear distribution of roles and tasks among the members;
  • From one defined internal hierarchy;
  • laid down by the stability of the bond by virtue of the existence of kinship and common origin relationships between the members;
  • da common logistics bases;
  • laid down by the availability of numerous cars in most cases registered to "third parties" and used when necessary by members who needed them to make a sale or by top management for supplies;
  • laid down by the availability of telephones dedicated only to drug dealing, so-called “work phones”, which were entrusted from time to time to pushers by the top levels of the association;
  • from operating in a well-defined territory and with specifically identified drug dealing areas;
  • from the ability to secure a constant and continuous supply of significant quantities of cocaine, through multiple supply channels.

It also emerged that the association had shown itself to be organised in such a way as to be able to change the places and methods of dealing to evade controls of the police forces opting for deliver to your home in specific locations agreed with the transferees, all identified by the investigators during the investigative activities.

The group has three stable drug dealing locations in L'Aquila: one on the outskirts of the city in the Pile area, the second just outside the city centre and the third and most important one near an apartment where some of the group's pushers lived, located in the city centre near the Castle Park.

The latter is the longest-standing hideout of the association, as well as the residence of one of the leaders and his partner, located on the outskirts of L'Aquila the quantities of drugs to be sold at retail were brought together, a preparation and packaging activity of doses was carried out continuously and meetings were held for the organisational purposes of dealing, with planning of supplies and choice of operational strategies.

This is where the associates returned from their daily drug dealing activities. to make further supplies of doses to be sold, to deliver the money received, to make an account of the activity carried out, to recharge work phones, to help with packaging and to taste the new batches of cocaine.

It is interesting to underline how, from the technical activity, it emerged that, at the moment of entering the association, one concludes, to use the words of one of the leaders, "a permanent contract".

This is the type of agreement that they offer to one of the subjects who wants to affiliate and who then, in fact, affiliates by explicitly telling them that they can choose to be paid. on a piecework basis i.e. per piece sold or “in time” that is, based on the number of hours worked.

The association, organized vertically, It included three people at the top, of Albanian, Macedonian and Ukrainian nationality, who were responsible for the supply of the narcotic substance and dictated the directives and orders to the associates for the management of the drug dealing activity, collecting all the proceeds; Intermediate Level 9 Affiliates who took part in the strategic “meetings” at the top level and, finally, 14 subjects with the role of pusher.

The activity which allowed the execution of the aforementioned order against 21 of the recipients of the measure (18 in prison, 2 under house arrest and one subject to the obligation to remain at home) was carried out with the support of the Central Operations Service and with the collaboration of personnel from the Flying Squads of Ancona, Ascoli Piceno, Campobasso, Chieti, Foggia, Perugia, Pescara, Teramo, Naples, Caserta, Isernia, Latina, Macerata, Rome, Terni, Viterbo, Frosinone, of the SISCO of Ancona, Rome, Salerno, Campobasso and Perugia and with the support of the Crime Prevention Units of Pescara, Vibo Valentia, Cosenza, Naples, Rome and Bari, of 2 canine units of the Police Headquarters of Pescara and Ancona and of the flight unit of the Police Headquarters of Pescara. All the subjects were traced in this Province.

L'Aquila: Polizia di Stato smantella un'associazione finalizzata al traffico illecito di sostanze stupefacenti

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