Ancona, the Police Commissioner issues 11 warnings against people "dangerous to order and security"
Ancona, today the local Police Commissioner, Cesare Capocasa, signed various prevention measures against individuals deemed dangerous to public order and safety.
In particular, they were prepared by the Anti-Crime Police Division of the local Police Headquarters, nr. 11 Fogli di Via Obbligatori, against as many people not resident in Ancona, or in the Marche and considered unwelcome, because dangerous for city life, both in the Doric capital , and of the municipalities of the Province.
Of these, 6 measures were issued against individuals who participated in unauthorized demonstrations contesting the government policy regarding the Green Pass and combating the pandemic, which in the last days of October had created discomfort for citizens, with road blocks and obstruction of the free circulation of vehicles, in via Mattei. They are people not resident in the province of Ancona, who have been banned by the Police Commissioner from returning to Ancona, without specific authorization, for one year, as they have no family, work or other interests in the Doric territory.
Further 5 measures were taken against people already known for previous police reports, coming from the province of Foggia (4) and Cagliari (1), who stood out for behavior in defiance of the rules of the live a civilized life, causing social alarm and concern in the communities of Osimo and Fabriano by committing a theft of considerable importance, the first four, and the defacement of a monument of particular historical and artistic importance, the last.
Reason why they were invited to move away, with a ban on return, from the aforementioned Marche municipalities.
The State Police deploys every available tool to achieve the objective of guaranteeing the safety of citizens, through the prevention of crimes, intensifying the control activity of the territory and adopting those measures which affect the personal freedom of those who must be considered, on the basis of factual elements, habitually engaged in criminal trafficking or habitually living, even in part, with the proceeds of criminal activities or which offend or endanger the physical or moral integrity of minors, health, safety or public tranquility.
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