Giulia Tramontano hit with at least 37 stab wounds: here are the first results of the autopsy

The examination of the body disproves the reconstruction provided by the killer and strengthens the hypothesis of the aggravating circumstance of cruelty

Giulia Tramontano hit with at least 37 stab wounds: here are the first results of the autopsy.

He stabbed her to death with 37 stab wounds, two of which were lethal in the throat. These are the first elements that emerged from the results of the autopsy on the body of Giulia Tramontano, the 29-year-old is seven months pregnant killed in Senago by her self-confessed boyfriend Alexander Impagnetiello.

The tests also revealed that the woman did not try to defend herself. The stab wounds were almost all inflicted on the upper part of the body. One of these hit the face, another punctured a lung. At least two were injured in the back, while they do not appear, at the moment, signs of blows to the belly.

Impagnatiello, with a profile that the investigators define as “manipulative narcissist”, had said in his two confession reports before the prosecutors and the investigating judge, that he had hit his girlfriend with two, maximum three blows, while the autopsy has now revealed at least 37 stab wounds. He also had supported, at first time, that she had hit herself in the neck and he had then killed her "so as not to make her suffer". Then, in her second version she said that, while holding a knife to cut some tomatoes, she had inadvertently injured her arms. All reconstructions totally denied by today's autopsy tests.


Furthermore, it is difficult to date the murder, due to the presence of burns on the body that have altered the tissues. Impagnatiello, in fact, attempted to burn the body twice. At the end of the autopsy, the Prosecutor's Office Milano met with the lawyer of Giulia Tramontano's family and signed the authorization for the release of the body and burial.

The autopsy reports that will be filed in the coming weeks will also have to clarify how many and what are the stab wounds that could have been inflicted after the woman was already dead. This dynamic would strengthen the cruelty hypothesis.

It will take more time, instead, for toxicological tests, which should demonstrate the presence or absence of substances in the 29-year-old's body, starting with rat poison found in Impagnatiello's backpack.

As far as we know, for now, those investigating have no evidence to support the thesis that Impagnatiello was helped by anyone to hide the girl's body or cleaning up the crime scene. It seems that the 30-year-old acted alone, even in light of a video shot by a journalist from Telelombardy in which we see the man who, on May 30th, cleans the blood from the flight of stairs leading to the building's garage.

tramontano impagnatiello

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