Gioiosa Marea: sexually assaults a girl who was returning home and then breaks into her condominium. 33 year old arrested

Last Saturday morning, the Carabinieri of the Gioiosa Marea Station arrested – in flagrante delicto – a 33-year-old with a criminal record, responsible for the crimes of sexual violence and violation of domicile.

Gioiosa Marea: sexually assaults a girl who was returning home and then breaks into her condominium. 33 year old arrested.

Last Saturday morning, the Carabinieri of the Gioiosa Marea station arrested - in flagrante delicto - a 33-year-old with a police record, responsible for the crimes of sexual violence and violation of domicile.

That day, just before 3:00, during a service aimed at controlling the territory, upon request received by 112 NUE, a patrol from the Gioiosa Marea Carabinieri Station intervened in that centre, where, shortly before, a local girl had been attacked on a public road, while she was intent on returning to her home, by a man who, in an immediately subsequent phase, had also followed her into the adjacent condominium area where the victim had taken refuge, with the clear intention of continuing with his intent.

The investigations promptly launched allowed the Carabinieri to reconstruct the entire dynamics of the event and the conduct of the suspect. In particular, through the collection of converging statements made by the offended parties, it was possible to learn that the victim of the crime, while he was intent on returning to his home on board his moped and, for this purpose, waiting for the condominium gate to open would open, she had been approached by a stranger who, after having verbally harassed her, had clung to her, panting and assaulted her for sexual purposes. The person offended by the crime, having opened the gate, managed to free himself and enter the condominium, going to park his moped.

Immediately afterwards, upon reaching the stairs and therefore her home, she noticed her father who was also returning in his car, to whom she pointed out the man who had attacked her shortly before who, taking advantage of the open gate, for the evident purpose of continuing the previously initiated sexual assault, he had entered the condominium, hiding in the dark. The suspect, clearly discovered, he threatened the girl's father, and then attacked him.

From the man's reaction, aimed at defending himself and his children present, a fight broke out between the two, which ended when the attacker attempted to leave the place. However, the suspect was stopped a very short distance from the aforementioned condominium by the patrol of the Gioiosa Marea Carabinieri Station, who intervened following a request which, in the meantime, had been made by the attacked girl.

Therefore, following the preliminary investigations conducted, the Carabinieri of Gioiosa Marea proceeded to arrest the suspect who, at the disposal of the Judicial Authority, was subjected to house arrest, awaiting validation of the measure applied.

Yesterday morning, 19 August, at the request of the Public Prosecutor's Office at the Court of Patti, directed by Dr. Angelo Vittorio Cavallo, the GIP, Dr. Ugo Domenico Molina, at the outcome of the hearing for the validation of the arrest, in evaluating the precautionary needs, considering the concrete existence, very serious and current danger of repetition of crimes of the same kind for which action is being taken, especially to the detriment of young victims, and in consideration of the seriousness of the facts, the suspect has been placed under the personal precautionary measure of house arrest.

Gioiosa Marea: aggredisce sessualmente una ragazza che stava rientrando a casa per poi introdursi nel suo condominio. Arrestato 33enne

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