Fondi, attacks his wife several times: removed and applied the electronic bracelet to the violent husband

For two years the woman has been subjected to constant attacks, even in the presence of her children, and requests for money to purchase drugs. Following the complaint made last February, the man was removed from the family home and an electronic bracelet was applied.

Fondi (Latina), repeatedly attacks his wife: pushed away and electronic bracelet applied to the violent husband

The State Police of the Police Headquarters of Latina in the day on Friday 5 July, Has proceeded to execute the Order of removal from the family home and application of the measure of the ban on approaching the offended person, issued by the GIP of Latina against a man from Fondi, born in '82, already investigated for family abuse and improper robbery.

The precautionary measure, which also includes the application of an electronic bracelet, is following complaints filed by the man's wifeand at our medical reports and the reports of the operators who intervened on several occasions to help the victim.

The woman Yes it was addressed to the police of the Fondi Commissariat last February, complaining about her husband's repeated conduct, vexatious and aggressive towards him, often practiced even in the presence of minor children, mistreatment that allegedly began two years ago.

In on some occasions the victim was forced to submit to requests for money to regain possession of his belongings, kept at home, money presumably intended for the purchase of narcotic substances.

Fondi, aggredisce più volte la moglie: allontanato e applicato il braccialetto elettronico al marito violento

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