Eleven checks carried out by the Nas in Tuscany. Some minor structural-management non-compliances were revealed at 5 social welfare facilities

Within the territory of the Provincial Command of Florence, following a total of six checks, a non-compliance was detected

Eleven checks carried out by the NAS in Tuscany. Some minor structural-management non-compliances were revealed at 5 social welfare facilities.

Within the scope of the specific campaign in health rehabilitation and social care facilities, the NAS of Florence carried out a total of undici checks detecting, in five social welfare facilities, some slight structural-managerial non-compliances, and in particular:

  • within the territory of the Provincial Command of Florence, following a total of six checks, one non-compliance was detected;
  • within the territory of the Provincial Command of Arezzo, no non-compliance was detected;
  • within the territory of the Provincial Command of Prato, a non-compliance was detected with consequent instructions to the manager;
  • within the territory of the Provincial Command of Pistoia, two non-conformities were detected, resulting in instructions to the manager;
  • within the territory of the Provincial Command of Siena, a non-compliance was detected, resulting in instructions to the manager.

Undici controlli effettuati dal Nas in Toscana. Rivelate alcune lievi non conformità strutturali-gestionali presso 5 strutture socio assistenziali.

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