Cremona: the Carabinieri have arrested a man who must serve a final sentence for drug dealing, extortion and kidnapping
He will have to serve a sentence of ten years, ten months and fifteen days in prison
Cremona: the Carabinieri have arrested a man who has to serve a sentence final conviction for drug dealing, extortion and kidnapping.
On the morning of March 1, the Carabinieri of the Cremona station arrested, in execution of a detention order issued by the Criminal Enforcement Office of the Brescia Prosecutor's Office, a 32-year-old man, a convicted felon, already subjected to the measure of house arrest.
The man receiving the measure will have to serve a sentence of ten years, ten months and fifteen days of imprisonment relating to the conviction for drug dealing, kidnapping and extortion which occurred in December 2022, confirmed on appeal in Brescia and, in recent days, in the Court of Cassation, therefore definitive and executory.
Following an investigation by the Financial Police of Piacenza, the man was arrested in February 2022 in execution of an order for the application of personal precautionary measures (issued by the Judge for Preliminary Investigations of the Court of Lodi) against Of five subjects deemed alleged held responsible, in various capacities, for kidnapping for extortion purposes, extortion and traffic di substances narcotics.
Three had gone to prison, one had been ordered to sign and the prohibition of residence, while for a fifth only the obligation to sign was investigated.
The investigation of the yellow flames began in December 2020, when two people found in possession of a large quantity of drugs, hidden aboard the car they were traveling in. During subsequent activities, the Guardia di Finanza seized large quantities of narcotics and a mini-arsenal, consisting of weapons, ammunition and gunpowder.
The development of the investigations, coordinated and directed by the Public Prosecutor's Office of Lodi (in reference to episodes that occurred in the Lower Lodi area) had made it possible to shed light on the intimidating and violent methods of those involved, revealing criminal phenomena ranging from extortion to threats, from injuries to kidnapping, as a consequence of unpaid “debts”..
The 32-year-old, after prison, was placed under house arrest in Cremona and in December 2022 the conviction for the facts committed and confirmed was confirmed by the Court of Appeal of Brescia and the Cassation. Deducting what has already been paid, the Criminal Enforcement Office of the Brescia Prosecutor's Office immediately issued the arrest order, carried out by the Carabinieri of the Cremona station, who accompanied him to the Cremona prison.
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