Chioggia: a family with 4 children damaged in the middle of the sea was saved by the divers of the State Police
On the afternoon of Wednesday 7 August, the divers of the Venice Police Headquarters, returning from a training dive at sea, near the Bocche di Porto di Chioggia (VE), noticed a small vessel on board which there were several people, including children, in evident difficulty.
Chioggia: a family with 4 children damaged in the middle of the sea was saved by the divers of the State Police.
On the afternoon of Wednesday 7 August, i Divers from the Venice Police Headquarters, returning from a training dive in the sea, near the Bocche di Porto di Chioggia (VE), they noticed a small boat on board which there were some people, including children, in obvious difficulty.
The punt, in fact, it was in a state of failure and the weather conditions at that moment were suddenly deteriorating, as a violent storm was approaching, so much so that the diving team itself was initially induced to speed up the return and to put on their wetsuits again due to the cold.
The team, therefore, immediately approached the vessel and thus noticed that on board the vessel there was an entire family, made up of two parents and 4 children, including a newborn, unharmed but very scared and worried as the weather was worsening extremely rapidly, given that in addition to the rain, hail and stormy seas, the gusts of wind were becoming increasingly stronger.
Furthermore, the waves, which were gaining more and more consistency, risked carrying both boats towards the rocks of the harbor inlets.
Therefore, considering the serious risk that the punt would capsize due to the strong wind and increasingly violent waves, the divers of the State Police proceeded to carry out the transfer of all the occupants of the vessel in their dinghy, and to hook the vessel with a tow hook, thus proceeding with the safe towing.
All members of the family, visibly shaken and cold, were also sent immediately equipped with makeshift blankets, reassuring them and trying to distract the children from what was happening.
Once you reach the Port of Chioggia (VE) safely, the family, unharmed, was rescued and welcomed into the premises of the Port Authority, thus completing the rescue operation.
A story that ended happily thanks to the Divers of the Venice Police Headquarters who, once again, demonstrated the importance of the role played by the State Police in public rescue and social proximity activities towards citizens.
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