
Catania and Misterbianco: sophisticated equipment found by the Carabinieri to steal cars, 64-year-old reported

The tools found make it possible to transform a protected vehicle into an easy and immediate target for thieves, neutralizing the security systems in a matter of minutes.

Catania and Misterbianco: sophisticated equipment found by the Carabinieri to steal cars, 64-year-old reported

As part of the activities to intensify preventive services in the area, arranged by the Provincial Command of the Carabinieri of Catania for the prevention and fight against widespread illegality, including predatory crimes, the Carabinieri of the Catania Piazza Dante Company have a 64 year old reported from Catania for receiving stolen goods and possession of altered keys or lock picks.

In particular, in recent days, the military personnel of the Operational Nucleus of the Catania Piazza Dante Company, together with their colleagues from the Operational Nucleus of Fontanarossa and the Canine Nucleus of Nicolosi, have carried out a series of searches targeted, based on info-investigative activities acquired thanks to the widespread knowledge of the territory and local criminal phenomena.

Catania e Misterbianco: rinvenute dai Carabinieri sofisticate apparecchiature per rubare auto, denunciato 64enne

The operation started with a search of the man's home, resident in the Monte Po district, to verify the possible presence of weapons; however, this search gave a negative result. During the activity, however, the military have elements were found that made us suspect the existence of another room to be checked. In fact, they found that the man had the availability of a garage-storage located in Misterbianco (CT), where the same person could have stored illicit material.

Determined not to leave any stone unturned, the Carabinieri have therefore decided to extend the operation even in that warehouse. In fact, the discovery that the investigators made was surprising: instead of weapons, the military found a assortment of highly sophisticated electronic devices, designed to evade car security systems.

Catania e Misterbianco: rinvenute dai Carabinieri sofisticate apparecchiature per rubare auto, denunciato 64enne

Specifically, inside the premises were found 34 OBDII devices, used to connect to the diagnostic port of cars and bypass the immobilizer, allowing the programming of new keys and access to the vehicle control system; 137 car remote controls of different brands, ready to be encoded and intended for access and control of vehicles with remote locking systems; 260 control units for cars of various models which, once replaced, allow you to bypass the original security system and gain control of the vehicle; 16 Remote Control Mapping Cards, used to adapt the functionality of remote controls to specific vehicle models to unlock or start them without the original key; 7 Steering Lock Emulators, tools that simulate the presence of a correct key and allow the steering lock to be deactivated, allowing the vehicle to be driven; computers and advanced diagnostic and decoding devices, able to read, decode and reprogram vehicle control unit security codes to clone or create new keys; 90 body computers, control modules essential to the electronic operation of the vehicle, which, if manipulated or replaced, allow the vehicle to be taken under control; and 1 device to obtain the PIN code, essential for accessing key programming and other security systems.

These tools They allow you to transform a protected vehicle into an easy and immediate target for thieves, neutralizing the security systems in just a few minutes..

Faced with this evidence, the subject could do nothing but admit one's responsibilities.

Catania e Misterbianco: rinvenute dai Carabinieri sofisticate apparecchiature per rubare auto, denunciato 64enne

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