Casale Monferrato. Fake aqueduct technicians try to defraud a 90-year-old: reported by the Carabinieri

The old woman remembers the advice to avoid the scams that she had heard about during the meetings at the senior center with the local Carabinieri

Casale Monferrato. Fake aqueduct technicians try to defraud a 90-year-old: reported by the Carabinieri.

Two people show up at the door of a 91 year old lady, they say they are water supply technicians and manage to enter the house under the pretext of checking the pipes.

“Some pipes broke,” says one of the two, starting to wander around the house. “You have to remove all the stuff and put it in the freezer,” adds the accomplice. The man goes towards the kitchen, opens the tap and passes a device under running water.

An alarming sound starts: “Contaminated!”, he declares. The old woman gets scared, she wants to warn her son. But the woman urges her: "Your son knows it." She has the attitude of someone who has to solve the problem problem quickly: “He said to take out all the gold stuff… money… and put it in the fridge, his son. To put it in a bag and put it in the fridge there."

“Put it there, so that it acts as a screen,” explains the other, to convince the old woman. The two criminals repeat the invitation insistently, generating apprehension. They urge the victim. Eventually they enter the rooms and bedroom on their own initiative, dividing themselves, trying to evade the control of the landlady.

Casale Monferrato. Finti tecnici dell’acquedotto tentano di truffare una 90enne: denunciati dai Carabinieri

But the woman understood. The initial apprehension gives way to suspicion. She remembers his advice for avoiding the scams that she had heard about during the meetings at the senior center with the local Carabinieri and enters her room, where the two are opening the drawers. The yell out against and surprises them: they probably didn't expect the old woman's vehement reaction.

They leave everything and run away. She calls 112.

The Carabinieri intervene quickly and collect all the information necessary to track down the scammers. Then they notice the presence of a camera installed inside the house and ask the lady to be able to view the videos.

The analysis is meticulous and in the end they manage to identify the two criminals: they are a couple from the Asti area. They have already committed other scams. The complaint is filed.

The story has a happy ending, but it shouldn't leave you indifferent. The unscrupulousness of those who commit this type of crime constitutes a serious potential danger for those who fall victim to it, despite themselves.

The Carabinieri of the Casale Company renew their invitation to take into consideration the indications provided in the various meetings and contained in the anti-scam posters distributed. One above all: call 112.

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