Caltanissetta, “Chicane” operation against the issuing of false invoices
Today, soldiers from the Carabinieri Company of Caltanissetta and the Guardia di Finanza Group of Nissena executed in San Cataldo and in the national territory an order for the application of a precautionary measure issued by the GIP of Caltanissetta during the preliminary investigations, against eleven people under investigation for various reasons for criminal association aimed at issuing and using invoices for non-existent operations.
Caltanissetta, “Chicane” operation against the issuing of false invoices.
The investigation, coordinated by the Public Prosecutor's Office of Caltanissetta, began in 2020 and allowed, through a joint activity of the soldiers of the Caltanissetta Financial Police Group and the Carabinieri of the NORM Operational Section, to dismantle an alleged association , made up of some entrepreneurs who, through the so-called "carousel fraud" would have obtained, for various reasons, an undue tax saving, simulating a consecutive series of sales of products that had never left, according to the prosecution's hypothesis, from the company's warehouses first selling company, which also involved interposed foreign and Italian companies, which later revealed themselves to be mere "paper mills". By doing so, taking advantage of the so-called "tax suspension" regime, the first selling company would have obtained tax deductions, both VAT and IRES, which were not due. The VAT credit, in fact, would have originated from a series of non-existent operations, certified by false invoices, consisting of the purchase and sale of products, in fact, never moved.
The investigative activities made it possible to ascertain how the alleged criminal organization also had ramifications on the territory of the Czech Republic, where fictitious legal entities necessary for carrying out the frauds were created.
According to the investigative reconstruction, through meticulous and accurate technical activities conducted by the Operational Section of the Carabinieri NOR and complex accounting analyzes carried out by the Caltanissetta Financial Police Group, the fraud was carried out to favor, predominantly, a company based in San Cataldo, which allegedly failed to pay taxes for approximately 2.5 million euros, arising from a fictitious turnover of approximately 8 million euros, allowing it, through the undue tax advantage, to secure a position of supremacy in the tire market, sold to public at prices significantly lower than those determined by competition rules, to the detriment of rival companies.
Three of the suspects, considered to be the founders, promoters and organizers of the association, are subject to the measure of house arrest while the remainder, residing in various parts of the national territory, were subjected to the measure of interdiction from carrying out business activities and to the ban of hiring people's management positions for a period of one year.
At the same time, a preventive seizure was carried out for a total amount of approximately 2,5 million euros.
The investigation was also carried out with the contribution of foreign tax administrations through the II Department of the General Command of the Guardia di Finanza (which made it possible to ascertain the ramifications of the alleged association on the territory of the Czech Republic) and the Departments of Carabinieri deployed throughout the national territory (for the execution of some precautionary measures).
The activity, developed through traditional investigations conducted by the Carabinieri and the financial investigations carried out by the Guardia di Finanza, is part of the actions implemented by the Caltanissetta Public Prosecutor's Office also to intercept the tax fraud phenomena most harmful to the Public Treasury, guaranteeing the functioning of correct market competition systems for the benefit of the entire community.
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