Caltanissetta, turning point in the Leonardi murder
Massimiliano Salvo arrested
Caltanissetta, turning point in the Leonardi murder.
On Tuesday the ROS Carabinieri executed an order for the application of a precautionary measure issued against Massimiliano Salvo, prominent element of the “Salvo” family (“Cappello Cappello” of Catania).
The man is accused of the murder of Prospero Leonardi, believed to belong to the mafia family of the same name from Enna, and for the attempted murder committed against Dragon Angel, who was in the company of Leonardi. The facts date back to 23 May 2012.
The suspect is already in prison because he was definitively convicted for the crimes of mafia-type association and association aimed at the illicit trafficking of narcotic substances. The new crimes charged are those of complicity in murder and attempted murder, both crimes aggravated by premeditation.
The investigation was launched in September 2019 and originates from the request to reopen the investigations made by the Caltanissetta Public Prosecutor's Office following the declarations made by some justice collaborators.
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