Brescia, precautionary measures against 33 people and seizure of assets worth over 1.800.000 euros against a 'ndrangheta-based criminal association

Multiple searches are currently underway by 300 members of the three Police Forces, also extending to the provinces of Bergamo, Verona and Treviso

Brescia, precautionary measures against 33 people and seizure of assets worth over 1.800.000 euros against a 'ndrangheta-based criminal association

In the morning, investigators from the State Police (of the Central Operations Service, the Flying Squad and the SISCO of Brescia) and the Guardia di Finanza (of the ICO Central Service and of the PEF – GICO Unit of Brescia) they executed a precautionary custody order issued by the GIP at the Court of Brescia against 25 suspects, residents in the provinces of Brescia, Milano, Reggio Calabria, Como, Lecco, Varese, Viterbo and in Spain, against whom the preventive seizure of financial resources and assets for over 1.800.000 euros was also ordered.

At the same time, the Carabinieri of the Provincial Command of Brescia and the territorially competent departments of the force have executed a further precautionary measure, still within the scope of the same criminal proceedings, against 8 suspects., including members of the aforementioned 'ndrangheta-based criminal association, held to be variously responsible for the crimes of illegal possession of weapons, money laundering, usury and receiving stolen goods, aggravated by mafia methods, in addition to the crime of possession of narcotics for the purpose of dealing.


Brescia, eseguite misure cautelari a carico di 33 persone e disposto il sequestro di beni di valore per oltre 1.800.000 euro nei confronti di un'associazione per delinquere di matrice 'ndranghetistaThe complex investigation, coordinated by the Public Prosecutor's Office of Brescia - District Anti-Mafia Directorate, started in September 2020, concerned the operations, in the Brescia area, of a criminal association of 'ndrangheta origin, originally from Sant'Eufemia d'Aspromonte (RC), resident for years in this province and linked by federal relations to the "Alvaro" gang, hegemonic in the Aspromonte area between the municipalities of Sinopoli and Sant'Eufemia d'Aspromonte.

The investigative activity allowed to reconstruct the organizational chart of the association which, leveraging the intimidating power that derives from the associative bond, would have reproduced, in the Brescia area, a "locale" capable of carrying out the peculiar actions that characterize mafia-type associations, such as extortion, arms and drug trafficking, receiving stolen goods, usury and political-mafia electoral exchange.

In particular, During the investigations, links and shared interests between the investigated group and other criminal groups of the 'ndrangheta origin present in the Brescia hinterland emerged, between whom a relationship of mutual assistance was established aimed at carrying out a multitude of illicit conducts.

The links between the mafia group and a person with public exposure, active in the Brescia community, with whom the group allegedly maintained relationships characterised by the typical pactum sceleris of the political-mafia electoral exchange, were also documented., or the commitment to the electoral support of the clan with the future promise of mutual illicit economic advantages.

The pervasiveness of the criminal nature of the gang was also demonstrated by the ability to penetrate prison facilities and convey messages to inmates, making use of the support of trusted and unsuspected people, such as that provided by a nun, who, on several occasions, would have acted as an intermediary between members and subjects in detention, taking advantage of the spiritual role that allowed her to have free access to penitentiary facilities.

At the same time, the investigated group would have demonstrated its ability to evolve its economic dynamics, taking on all the characteristics of modern criminal organizations operating in Northern Italy, combining traditional crimes with economic-financial crimes.

The associates would haveIn fact, promoted, constituted and externally directed a plurality of "shell" and "filter" companies, operating in the scrap metal trade sector which, during the period of the investigations, allegedly issued invoices to compliant entrepreneurs for objectively non-existent transactions for a total taxable income of approximately 12 million euros, in order to allow them, net of the commission due to the association, to benefit from the reduction of income as well as to launder the money resulting from the crimes committed.

The investigated subjects were subject to preventive seizure orders, aimed at confiscation by equivalent, for a total amount of over 1.800.000 euros, as proceeds of the alleged criminal-tax and money laundering conduct.

Multiple searches are currently underway by 300 members of the three Police Forces, also extending to the provinces of Bergamo, Verona and Treviso, conducted with the support of modern technical means of the Central Operations Service of the State Police, the Central ICO Service of the Guardia di Finanza and the Carabinieri as well as canine units – for the search for weapons and drugs – and “cash dogs” – for the search for cash, in a security framework also guaranteed by the use of personnel from the UOPI of the State Police and specialized AT-PI soldiers from the Guardia di Finanza and the First Intervention Unit of the Carabinieri.

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