Bologna: gropes a girl, attacks her boyfriend with kicks and punches and then attacks the Carabinieri

26-Year-Old Arrested for Sexual Assault and Resisting a Public Official

Bologna: gropes a girl, attacks her boyfriend with kicks and punches and then lunges at the Carabinieri. 26-year-old arrested for sexual assault and resisting a public official.

The Carabinieri of the Bologna Radiomobile Unit have arrested a 26-year-old Italian for sexual assault and resisting a public official.

It happened on the street during the night inside the San Donato-San Vitale district. Some residents of the area, witnessing a fight between two men, contacted 112, reporting to the telephone operator of the Bologna CC Operations Center what was happening.

Some patrols of the Mobile Radio Unit, having heard the news, quickly reached the reported area, immediately trying to put an end to the beating by the 26-year-old, who, with his body on top of that of a foreign boy pinned to the ground, was repeatedly hitting him in the face with violent punches. When the soldiers attempted to put an end to the attack, the 26-year-old, in an evidently altered state of mind and body, engaged in a violent fight against the soldiers, hitting them with kicks and punches.

Blocked and secured, the Carabinieri were then joined by two very agitated and tearful foreign women, one of whom asked them for help and reported that she had been groped repeatedly by the boy they had stopped. Once both were calmed down, the victim said that shortly before, while she was helping her friend park the car, she was approached by the 26-year-old who, after having greeted her and made some sexual comments, he groped her several times in the private parts, then trying to immobilize her against the wall.

Having managed to free herself, the woman immediately called her boyfriend, who, once reached, was violently attacked by the 26 year old who then did it fell to the ground and was hit with several kicks and punches, until the arrival of the soldiers; the latter, with no little difficulty, blocked him.

The victim's boyfriend was subsequently rescued by 118 medical personnel and transported to the emergency room for medical treatment, suffering minor injuries. The 26-year-old, after the formal procedures, was arrested and, by order of the Public Prosecutor on duty at the Bologna Public Prosecutor's Office, he was transferred to the “Rocco d’Amato” District Prison awaiting the validation hearing before the GIP

Bologna: palpeggia una ragazza, aggredisce il fidanzato con calci e pugni per poi scagliarsi contro i Carabinieri. 26enne arrestato per violenza sessuale e resistenza a un Pubblico Ufficiale

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