
Benevento: he deceives a woman by pretending to be an employee of the water company, the Carabinieri identify him and report him for attempted fraud and theft

A 37-year-old man, already known to the police, was reported for theft and attempted fraud in Benevento.

Benevento: he deceives a woman by pretending to be an employee of the water company, the Carabinieri identify him and report him for attempted fraud and theft.

A 37-year-old man, already known to the police, was reported for theft and attempted fraud in Benevento.

The scammer, posing as an employee of a water supply company, managed to trick his way into the home of a 71-year-old woman.

The man, with the excuse of checking the consumption from the latest bills, sent the lady into another room to get them, while he furtively rummaged through the bag left on a table and took the money kept inside her wallet. Not satisfied with the few euros he had taken, he asked the woman the sum of 77 euros in order to activate a new contract to further save her money on the bill; the woman, not having that amount, asked the man to come back when her daughter was there, but at that point the fake employee of the water supply company, with an excuse, walked away and went away.
Technology at the service of justice was fatal for the man, in fact the woman had installed a video surveillance system inside the house that immortalized the 37-year-old during his entire stay.

Once at the barracks, the woman told the Carabinieri everything, providing them with images extracted from the video surveillance system; the investigations conducted by the Operational and Radiomobile Unit together with the Carabinieri Station of the capital therefore started immediately and the soldiers, taking advantage of technological software that allows facial recognition, managed to extrapolate profiles of operational interest that, thanks to subsequent investigations, led to the identification of the culprit.

The Provincial Command of the Carabinieri of Benevento reminds all citizens that, in the event of pressing and unusual requests for money from so-called relatives or friends or technicians/workers of service supply companies, it is always advisable to make a response, through the usual communication channels: “A few seconds or a few minutes can prevent you from falling victim to a scam, organized to exploit feelings of apprehension and speed, in order to prevent checks. If, for some reason, you are unable to contact a friend/relative, you should call the emergency number 112”.

So be wary of appearances and do not open the door to your home without first taking the right precautions.

Benevento: raggira una donna fingendo di essere un dipendente dell’azienda dell’acqua, i Carabinieri lo individuano e lo denunciano per tentata truffa e furto consumato.

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