Belluno, the bar was the point of reference for cocaine throughout the province: the manager arrested and 7 others are under investigation
Belluno, yesterday morning the men of the Belluno Police Headquarters carried out a precautionary detention order issued by the investigating judge at the Court of Belluno at the request of the Public Prosecutor's Office against Roberto Dal Borgo, manager of the "Bar Sport" of Sois.
Dal Borgo is held responsible, in conjunction with 7 other suspects, for the crimes of drug dealing such as cocaine, housebreaking, aggravated personal injury and slander.
The investigation, conducted by the Flying Squad with the coordination of the Prosecutor's Office and begun in the summer of 2020, made it possible to outline how the suspect, for several years, in a professional and organized manner, had created at the commercial business he managed , a point of reference for the purchase of retail cocaine for consumers from the entire Province.
The investigation began by acquiring information on what Dal Borgo's supply channels could be given that the number of customers it managed to satisfy on a daily basis led to the assumption that significant quantities were sold.
A person of South American origin was immediately identified, Jimenez Juan Manuel, 36 years old, from Montevarchi (AR). The man's movements on the national territory were reconstructed, discovering that, although he did not have any type of work or emotional ties in the Province of Belluno, on several occasions since the beginning of summer 2020 he had traveled to Sois and stayed there for a short time and leaving immediately towards Tuscany. Careful monitoring of the man made it possible to actually find that he was a cocaine courier, given that on 28 September he was arrested with 289g of cocaine in tow, hidden inside a child's car seat, most likely destined at the Sois bar.
Once this first supply channel had been ascertained, the efforts of the men of the "Anti-Drug Section" of the Mobile were concentrated on Celislami Gentian, a 43-year-old Albanian resident in Belluno, another subject who the investigations had outlined as the supplier and custodian of the narcotic on behalf of Dal Village.
Also in this case, the investigative hypotheses proved to be correct, as following a targeted police check on the road first and then a house search, Celislami was arrested on 3 February last because he was found with a total of 660g of cocaine in tow, between doses already packaged for retail sale and a brick still to be split.
Finally, having discovered a new channel also coming from Belluno, the Flying Squad made a final arrest on the third supplier on February 25th, finding him not far from the "Sport Bar" with 108g of cocaine.
These very important findings, together with other investigative findings and cross-referencing of data resulting from months of investigation, have allowed the investigators to reconstruct the flow of cocaine in and out of the "Sport Bar" and the consequent turnover, taking into account that a doses of cocaine of around one gram were sold for between €70 and €100 each, corresponding by default to €200/300 thousand per year.
In addition to this, an episode of slander that Dal Borgo had concocted against a witness was also reconstructed, in the suspicion that there might be investigations against him: last December 23rd, in fact, Roberto contacted 113, asserting that this person had placed 5 doses of 1 gram of cocaine inside his bar with the aim of getting him into trouble with the police. The drugs were actually found and seized by the police officer who intervened, but the investigations carried out were able to clarify that the witness was unrelated to this episode, which was specially orchestrated by Dal Borgo with clear purposes of evidentiary pollution.
These important findings led the Belluno Public Prosecutor's Office to request a restrictive precautionary measure against Roberto Dal Borgo, which was accepted and issued by the GIP. In fact, yesterday morning the men of the Flying Squad with the help of the staff of the other offices of the Police Headquarters, DIGOS, Flying Police, Administrative Police, Cabinet Office and Technical Logistics Office, implemented the restrictive measure against the main suspect and another 7 searches in various areas of the Province, at the homes of all Dal Borgo's close collaborators and major buyers. JIMNEZ was also searched again by the policemen of the “Montevarchi” police station. A large sum of cash hidden inside a mattress was seized from one co-suspect, while another who was searched and not investigated was released for possession of 40g of hashish and a jar of hallucinogenic mushrooms.
Given that the investigative activity led to the assumption that, despite the cutting of the 3 supply channels, Dal Borgo had once again abundantly supplied himself with cocaine, the Mobile agents, with a diversion, managed to enter the premises before the suspect entered get rid of the narcotic.
Despite this measure, Dal Borgo, suspicious of the circumstance, locked himself inside the bar office. The police were therefore forced to break down the door to find the man, an action which proved appropriate given that he was caught while trying to set fire to pieces of narcotics which later turned out to be a total of 592g of cocaine and 297g of hashish. For this further large seizure, Dal Borgo was also arrested yesterday in flagrante delicto for possession for the purpose of drug dealing.
Also yesterday, at the end of the search operations, the "Bar Sport" was closed for 15 days with a provision from the Belluno Police Commissioner pursuant to art. 100 of the Consolidated Law on Public Security as, beyond judicial investigations, the business has long represented a point of reference for the meeting of criminals, a place where arguments have taken place between customers on several occasions , and from where in all likelihood various criminal actions began.
By virtue of the prison custody order and the flagrant arrest, yesterday evening Dal Borgo was restricted to Baldenich at the disposal of the Judicial Authority.
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