Belluno, a room of the Police Headquarters named after the "Victims of Vajont - 9 October 1963"
Belluno, the new meeting room dedicated to the "Victims of Vajont" was inaugurated this morning in the central headquarters of the Belluno Police Headquarters. The room was created from a room that underwent recent renovation works. On the walls there are historical photographs of the tragedy of 9 October 1963, with the rescue interventions carried out by the police, but also official documents from the time of the disaster and the parchment conferring honorary citizenship of the Municipality of Longarone to the State Police , in 2013.
Present at the inauguration ceremony were the Police Commissioner Lilia Fredella, the Prefect Mariano Savastano, the President of the Province of Belluno and Mayor of Longarone Roberto Padrin, the Councilor of the Municipality of Belluno Yuki D'Emilia, and the representatives of the local law enforcement agencies provincial.
«As part of the works that involved the Police Headquarters, we felt it was our duty to name a space in memory of the Vajont disaster» underlined Police Commissioner Lilia Fredella. «A way to remember the victims, but also the vast rescue system of those days, which saw the police on the front line. Alongside the photos of the time, for which we thank the Zanfron photographic studio, there are also recent shots, a photograph with the rainbow in front of the dam, testifying to the daily commitment of the men and women of the State Police in the communities of Belluno and on the territory".
«In recent months I have learned that this is the province of the Dolomites and Vajont» added the prefect, Mariano Savastano. «This meeting room has the advantage of uniting in some photographs the memory of the victims of the disaster, the commitment of the rescuers and the daily work of the police».
From the president of the Province and mayor of Longarone, thanks for «a dedication which is a memory of the past and a warning for the future». «We have a duty to preserve the memory of what happened on October 9, 1963, because certain catastrophes must never happen again» said Roberto Padrin. «But it is also a duty to bear witness to the enormous commitment of the rescuers, men and women who made themselves available to a community in times of need, as our police forces do every day. I am convinced that today, 58 years after the tragedy, thanks for what was a gesture of gratuitous and humanitarian generosity must resonate even louder."
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