Basilicata, Molise and Puglia, weekly checks by the Railway Police: 9 suspects and 500m of copper cables recovered
Basilicata, Molise and Puglia, 9 suspects, 4.246 people checked and one person reported to the Administrative Authority for possession of narcotic substances: this is the balance of the activity, in the last week, of the Puglia, Basilicata and Molise Railway Police Department.
In particular, the Bari Railway Police, following an investigation, reported 3 twenty-year-olds, including a girl, responsible for damaging the seats of a regional train on the Foggia-Bari route which occurred a few days earlier. The three young people were seen by the conductor and a Polfer policeman, off duty, a passenger on the train, damaging the chairs of the convoy. In an attempt to block them, the twenty-year-olds managed to escape. Subsequently, thanks to the viewing of video surveillance images, the boys were identified, tracked down and reported.
Also in Bari, the agents of the Judicial Police Team foiled the theft of copper cables from the contact line of the South Eastern Railways. The intervention put the criminals to flight, who left almost all the stolen goods on the ground, around 500 meters of copper rope, then returned to the railway company.
In Foggia, the operators tracked down, at the station, a person who was wandering around in a confused state, who had already been missing for several days from the BAT province and for whom searches had been launched. She herself was re-entrusted to the community from which she had moved away. Also in Bari, the Railway Police tracked down a young woman who had left a therapeutic center in the province and was then handed back to the community.
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