Barcellona Pozzo di Gotto: attacks a man, first with kicks and punches, then with a broken bottle to inflict more damage. Tunisian arrested.

Late in the evening of September 24, in Barcellona Pozzo di Gotto, personnel from the local Barcellona PG Police Station and the local Carabinieri Company arrested a thirty-year-old of Tunisian origin, caught red-handed in the crimes of attempted robbery, aggravated assault and violence against a public official.

Barcellona Pozzo di Gotto: attacks a man, first with kicks and punches, then with a broken bottle to inflict more damage. Tunisian arrested.

Late in the evening of September 24th, in Barcellona Pozzo di Gotto, personnel from the local Barcellona PG Police Station and the local Carabinieri Company arrested a thirty-year-old of Tunisian origins, caught in the flagrante delicto of the crimes of attempted robbery, aggravated assault and violence against a public official.

In particular, near Piazza Alfano (formerly Piazza Trento), the arrested man was the protagonist of a violent attack on a fellow countryman, with the aim of taking possession of the unfortunate person's e-bike.

The latter, on that occasion, opposed the request to hand over his electric bicycle and in response was attacked with kicks, punches and a bottle, purposely broken to inflict greater damage.

Thanks to the timely intervention of the State Police and Carabinieri, the attack did not have more serious consequences and the operators, acting in full synergy, managed to ensure assistance to the attacked person and to arrest the perpetrator.

The arrested man, finally, he also directed his violence against the police forces who had arrested him, trying to free himself and also causing injuries to the operators.

The arrest was communicated to the Deputy Prosecutor on duty at the Public Prosecutor's Office of Barcellona Pozzo di Gotto, directed by Prosecutor Giuseppe VERZERA, who coordinated the investigations and ordered the translation of the arrested person at Barcellona PG prison. for subsequent legal obligations.

Barcellona Pozzo di Gotto: aggredisce un uomo, prima con calci e pugni, poi con una bottiglia rotta per infliggere più danni. Arrestato un 30enne

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