Barcellona Pozzo di Gotto: a man tries to set fire to a petrol station with a cooking gas cylinder and a lighter. Stopped and arrested
The investigation activities are coordinated by the Public Prosecutor's Office of Barcellona Pozzo di Gotto, directed by the Prosecutor Dr. Giuseppe Verzera, who, together with the Carabinieri, is conducting investigations in order to identify the motive for the very serious act.
Barcellona Pozzo di Gotto: a man tries to set fire to a petrol station with a cooking gas cylinder and a lighter. Stopped and arrested.
On September 13th, the Carabinieri of the Radiomobile Section of the Barcellona PG Company arrested in flagrante delicto a 44 year old man, known to the Police, who had turned himself in responsible for attempting to set fire to a fuel dispenser, a gesture that could have led to more serious consequences.
On this occasion, in the early hours of the morning, the military personnel of the Arma intervened following a report received by the Carabinieri Operations Centre regarding the presence of a man who, after being spotted in front of the Public Safety Police Station, had headed to a nearby petrol station. with a cooking gas cylinder, threatening to detonate it.
In particular, the 44-year-old, in a state of agitation, was trying to fan the flames with a lighter and the residual fuel present in the dispenser of the petrol station, which was immediately blocked by the military, who proceeded to secure the cylinder.
The man, despite resisting the soldiers, trying in vain to free himself, writhing and kicking, causing minor injuries to a Carabiniere, was taken to the barracks, from where, after the checks, he was transferred to the Barcellona PG prison.
The investigation activities are coordinated by the Public Prosecutor's Office of Barcellona Pozzo di Gotto, directed by the Prosecutor Dr. Giuseppe Verzera, who, together with the Carabinieri, is conducting investigations in order to identify the motive for the very serious act.
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