
Balestrate: drives a stolen car and is found in possession of a stolen phone with which he tries to extort money. 15 year old arrested

The Carabinieri of the Partinico Company have executed an arrest warrant against a minor accused of attempted extortion and theft.

Balestrate: drives a stolen car and is found in possession of a stolen phone with which he tries to extort money. 15 year old arrested.

The Carabinieri of the Partinico Company they executed an arrest warrant against a minor accused of attempted extortion and theft.

A patrol from the Balestrate Station, following a report from the Operations Centre of the Alcamo Company, intercepted a vehicle along the state road 187car reported as stolen identifying a fifteen year old driving, with already several police records.

The minor was also found in possession of a mobile phone stolen from a 77-year-old a few hours earlier. The owner of the phone had also reported that after the theft, his daughter had received a phone call with which she was asked for 50 euros to return her cell phone.

The Carabinieri, following the outcome of the investigations, they identified the perpetrator of the attempted extortion as the fifteen-year-old, against whom an arrest warrant was issued and, following validation by the Preliminary Investigations Judge of the Juvenile Court of Palermo, the precautionary measure of placement in a community was applied.

Balestrate: guida un'auto rubata e viene trovato in possesso di un telefono rubato con il quale tenta di estorcere dei soldi. Arrestato 15enne

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