Ancona, sentenced to 6 years for sexual acts on a minor: arrested before boarding the train to Piacenza
Ancona, last May 26, the Ancona Railway Police arrested a Pakistani citizen, as the recipient of a prison order for having committed sexual acts on a minor issued by the Court of Ascoli Piceno, having to serve a 6-year prison sentence.
In particular, the police stopped the foreigner while he was about to board a train to Piacenza and from the subsequent check in the database it emerged that the man was wanted.
The arrest was carried out as part of the "Safe Stations" extraordinary checks operation, coordinated at national level by the Railway Police Service, during which 400 people were identified. Checks carried out in the 33 railway stations in the Marche, Umbria and Abruzzo. As a result of the operations carried out, a 30-year-old man in Ancona was reported for possession of a narcotic substance held for personal use, identified thanks to the contribution of the State Police canine unit made available by the local Police Headquarters.
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