Ancona, robberies at bars, pizzerias, kebabs and restaurants: a couple of thieves arrested

Ancona, the State Police, in the last few hours, has implemented the Order for the application of the precautionary measure of custody in prison against a couple (both thirty years old) held responsible in various capacities for at least n. 9 episodes of thefts and aggravated robberies committed in conjunction with each other, in Ancona, between June and September 2021, against bars, pizzerias, kebabs and restaurants located in the city area.

The associates, in competition with each other and making use of means suitable for burglary, entered commercial establishments on several occasions and at night, looting money and any goods present there. In some circumstances, the predatory acts took place during the opening hours of public establishments by committing improper robberies, therefore with the use of violence on things or people, to secure the proceeds of their criminal actions.

The investigative activity, coordinated by the Public Prosecutor's Office at the Court of Ancona, was conducted by the local Flying Squad, Crimes Against Property and Public Administration Section, in concert with the Interregional Cabinet of the Marche and Umbria Scientific Police, which on the basis of the technical examinations carried out on the fragments of latent papillary prints, found in the looted places, allowed the investigators to outline a precise and unequivocal circumstantial framework which led the suspects to be considered solely responsible for the facts reported.

A tattoo of one of the suspects also corroborated the evidential framework.

One of the two arrested (the man) was already subjected to the security measure of probation, ordered to replace that of removal from the territory of the Italian State.

Both are in prison, respectively in Montacuto, the male prisoner, and in Villa Fastiggi (PU) (female prison) the suspect.

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