Ancona, Yesterday evening during the usual control of the territory a police patrol passing through Via Marconi, he noticed a man walking briskly, dark-skinned, almost two meters tall, dressed in a dark coat, wearing a baseball cap, and carrying a bulky backpack on his shoulder.
The Policemen decided to proceed with the check and approached the man with the official car. As soon as they got close to him, with a sprint worthy of a panther the man began to
running between the cars, weaving like an expert skier.
The Policemen started chasing them, also trying to protect the safety of the people passing by as well as the cars.
Although the man was running quickly with a bulky backpack, the police managed to stop him after about 600 meters and identified him.
The same man told the police that he had started running because he wanted to test his athletic abilities, without the intention of escaping from the police.
For this purpose he showed some energy drinks which, according to him, he used to drink to increase his performance.
After taking note of his version, the police officers reported him for resistance and accompanied him to the Immigration office of the Police Headquarters for the continuation of the investigations, as he had no documents and was full.... of vitamins.
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