Ancona, Polfer activity in the stations of Marche, Umbria and Abruzzo: 45-year-old reported in Terni for possession of counterfeit clothes

This week, over 2500 people were checked by the Railway Police

Ancona, 1 reported, 2.579 people checked, 223 patrols involved in the station, 59 services on board 119 trains: this is the balance of the activity of the Railway Police Department for the Marche, Umbria and Abruzzo, in the last week .

In Terni, the Polfer Post staff has a 45-year-old citizen of the Ivory Coast reported, with numerous criminal records, for the crime of possession of items of clothing bearing evidently counterfeit well-known brands.
In particular, the Agents, at the request of the train chief, intervened on board a Rome-Foligno fast regional train for a traveler without a ticket who refused to adjust his position on board the train.
Once the patrol arrived on site and identified and regularized the traveller, the large bag with which the 45-year-old was traveling aroused suspicion. In fact, inside we noticed the presence of numerous clearly counterfeit items of clothing from the most well-known brands. Thus we proceeded with the denunciation of the man in his state of freedom.

Staff of the Pescara Polfer Subsection has tracked down upon indication of the train leader, on board a long-distance night train, a minor who had arbitrarily left her home to go to their peers in the city of Foggia.
She was taken into custody by the Police Officers and handed over to her mother who was contacted and arrived at the local station.

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