Ancona, yesterday morning during the usual control of the territory by the Flying patrols, in the port area, one of them noticed a car parked in a secluded area with the engine running and a person sleeping inside.
After approaching the police, they tried to wake up the young man who, after getting out of the car, appeared to be in altered psycho-physical conditions, barely managing to keep himself standing and uttering disjointed sentences.
The young man declared that he had drunk some beer and that he had fallen asleep, to get some rest, while waiting to embark for Greece, while trying to hide a small bag that was sticking out of his trouser pocket from the view of the policemen.
Accompanied to the police station for investigations, the Polizotti found two grinders and approximately 5 grams of a narcotic substance such as cannabis in the bag.
The young man, of French nationality, was reported pursuant to art. 75 DPR 309/90 and the narcotic substance was seized.
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