Ancona: the first of the meetings in the area to talk about the future urban planning law begins

Aguzzi: “We look at quality and environmental protection. It's a big bet and we hope to approve it as soon as possible."

Ancona: the first of the meetings in the area to talk about the future urban planning law begins.

“It is a very innovative law that focuses above all on quality and environmental protection”. So it has commented the regional councilor for urban planning, Stephen Aguzzi, the proposed regional law on territorial government, illustrated on June 21st Region to audience of public administrators, technicians and professionals of the province of Ancona, during the first institutional meeting in the area organized to seek discussion and collaboration in view of the definition of the document.

Un very important meeting which will be followed by others in the coming days in all provinces of the region to meet the mayors, provincial presidents, professional orders, associations and all the stakeholders who will be called upon to face future choices in the urban planning, environmental and land development and protection fields.

Ancona: prende il via il primo degli incontri sul territorio per parlare della futura legge urbanistica

"We want to note – Aguzzi said – what are the first reactions to the approach given to the future urban planning law. It's a big bet and we hope to be able to have a broad consensus to be able to approve it as quickly as possible."

“We intended to propose a text capable of streamlining as much as possible the bureaucratic and administrative procedures, which tend to be very long – continued Aguzzi –The previous planning law is now dated, having been published 32 years ago. It was followed by numerous other laws which created stratification in the matter, making the procedures more cumbersome. This law will be more streamlined as it will consist of only 30 articles. No new land consumption but recovery of the existing. The focus is on the reuse of degraded and abandoned areas, on urban regeneration, on the method of urban and territorial equalisation, on the application of the principles of coherence and copy-planning, on the quality of the intervention to protect the environment and architectural beauty".

A once this listening phase is concluded, updated and appropriately integrated text of the proposed law must be approved by the Council Regional after the expected scrutiny of legislative legitimacy.

Below, the calendar of meetings which will follow:

· June 22nd at 16.00 pm Ascoli Piceno, Sala della Ragione Palazzo dei Capitani

· 23 June 15.00 pm Pesaro, Room of the Provincial Council of the Province of Pesaro and Urbino, “W. Pierangeli” – Viale Gramsci, 4 – Pesaro

· 29 June at 16.00 pm Fermo, Provincial Council Hall, Largo Don Gaspare Morello, 2/4;

· 30 June at 16.00 pm Macerata, Auditorium of the “Mozzi Borgetti” municipal library, Piazza Vittorio Veneto, 2

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