Ancona, found with 600g of cocaine in Senigallia: 50-year-old arrested
Ancona, the State Police's activities to combat the phenomenon of drug possession continue incessantly.
The staff of the Senigallia Police Station, in this context, was engaged in a series of activities aimed at ascertaining the illicit conduct of a 50-year-old individual of Albanian origin, present in Italy for some time, dedicated to an important drug dealing activity on the town square.
The officers, also in light of prejudices regarding drugs, focused their attention on the man and began a series of investigations which clearly revealed how active the man was in the sector of dealing narcotic substances such as cocaine.
The police, having become aware of his conduct, in the evening subjected the man to a check and was found near his home, where he arrived in a vehicle.
Once stopped, the man appeared rather agitated and, as the officers continued their checks, the subject became increasingly nervous. The activities carried out by the police made it possible to find two large packages hidden inside a bag, of which the subject declared he did not know the origin or contents. Furthermore he was found in possession of a switchblade.
The investigations revealed that the two wrappers contained a significant quantity equal to 600 grams of narcotic substance of the cocaine type.
The officers then carried out checks inside his home where they found several ready-made doses of narcotic drugs such as cocaine, as well as several thousand euros believed to be proceeds of the crime and all the equipment suitable for packaging the narcotic.
The large quantity of narcotics found - and subjected to seizure, like all the illicit items found in the man's possession - could have yielded a sum equal to over 50.000 euros.
Therefore, the man was made available to the judicial authority which ordered that he be taken to prison awaiting the validation judgement.
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