Ancona, checks on compliance with anti-Covid regulations: two owners of a bar in Fabriano fined

Another 3 commercial establishments were also subjected to control by the State Police

Ancona, the State Police of Ancona, following the reopening plan established by decree law of 22 April 2021, continues to carry out targeted administrative checks on compliance with the anti-covid legislation.
As part of these services, yesterday, in Fabriano, the Administrative and Security Team of the Police Headquarters, together with personnel from the Fabriano PS Police Station, proceeded to sanction the owner of a bar located in the center, whose owner has been fined administrative violation of 300 euros for not having displayed any sign reporting the provisions of the anti-covid legislation.
Another penalty was imposed on another bar owner, also in the centre, for the failure to display the license.
On the same day, again in Fabriano, 3 other businesses were inspected (bars and restaurants) where no administrative violation was found.

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