Ancona, a Romanian citizen arrested for dealing and possession of narcotic substances

On the evening of Saturday 30th October  of the Ancona Police Headquarters, as part of specific services aimed at combating the activity of drug dealing, the police arrested a Romanian citizen residing in the Piano area, caught in the act of committing the crime of drug dealing and possession of a narcotic substance of the cocaine type .

For some time the investigators had noticed a movement of suspicious people entering and exiting the drug dealer's home.

Saturday evening, after a long stakeout carried out near the suspect's home, the police stopped a young man, who was coming out of the door of the apartment under investigation.

The young man was found in possession of a dose of cocaine.

The subsequent local search carried out at the Romanian citizen's home allowed others to be found 20 grams of cocaine, which were seized together with the sum of 1800 €, considered the proceeds of the drug dealing activity.

In light of the clear evidence, the man was arrested and, on the orders of the Deputy Prosecutor on duty at the Ancona Prosecutor's Office, placed in prison at the disposal of the prosecuting Judicial Authority.


Yesterday morning, following the validation judgment, the judge applied to the arrested person the precautionary measure of the obligation to reside in the Municipality of Ancona, prohibiting him from leaving the house in the evening hours.


The young cocaine buyer, however, was reported to the Prefecture of Ancona as a drug user.

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