Ancona, illegal nightclub for minors: the Clan Dancing Club in Aspio closed for 5 days

Ancona, as part of the services arranged by the Provincial Police Commissioner Cesare Capocasa, together with other Police and Order Forces, on yesterday, 05 December 2021, was carried out by personnel of the Administrative Police of the Police Headquarters, by that of the Carabinieri of the Company of Osimo and that of the Fire Brigade of the Provincial Command of Ancona, a joint administrative control, extended to safety checks, at a club in Aspio where alleged dance competitions, the Clan Dancing Club, were to be held.

An event was underway, which had been expanded and advertised by the owners of the aforementioned venue on social networks (Facebook), with a specific poster that spoke of a "day of entertainment and shows starting from 15.00 pm". The event was called "Squid Dance Game, with the participation of Jack Villozzi and Alexito on the console, voice Piper"

Upon checking, it was found that body temperature was not taken at the time of access and that some of the evening's staff, found to be members of the aforementioned club, were not wearing masks. The room appeared to have been set up like a disco, it was partly dark, with psychedelic lights and large speakers that played disco music at high volume (and not dance competition music). The presence of three DJs at the console located on a stage, who were not wearing masks correctly, was detected. When requesting documents from the bar operators, they were not wearing masks. When entering, no dance master was giving lessons to the patrons. The presence of around 100 young people was recorded, many of them minors, dancing together and without masks.

It was also ascertained that to access the aforementioned venue, patrons were required to register to become members (subject to payment including drinks at the bar), which could be done at the time (by signing a form), given that there were two employees of the clubs that provided this, equipped with computers and cards.
The first check made it possible to verify the total failure to comply with the anti-pandemic regulations. Therefore, yesterday the place was closed (with the eviction of the children present) for 5 days and the sole director of the Club, aged 60, was administratively sanctioned as required by current legislation (400 euros).

Furthermore, since the entire organization of the event was therefore based on profit-making, the subsequent investigations made it possible to verify how the alleged organization of dance competitions was in reality a ploy to cover the fact that the owner of the club had no license pursuant to art. 68 TULPS.

Therefore the same sole director mentioned above, who had already been reported for similar and specific facts in the past, was administratively sanctioned for the violation of the art. 666 CP (which provides for an administrative fine from 258 to 1549 euros and the cessation of the activity carried out without a license from the Municipality of Osimo) and criminally reported, for the abusive management of the aforementioned premises, in the absence of usability. Activity, which appears quite dangerous, given that the overall capacity of the controlled room was 520 people (reduced by half based on the Anticovid legislation) and that therefore profiles of violations of public safety could arise, also in relation to the presence of hundreds of young people , most of them minors

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